понедельник, 27 июля 2015 г.

Our course "This Fragile Planet"

All living things are related to their environment. The Earth is our common home and we must take care of it. Since ancient times Nature has provided Man with everything he needed: food to eat, water to drink, wood for building and fuel for heating and cooking.
For hundreds of years Man used Nature's sources and it seemed to people that the resources of Nature had no end.With the industrial revolution our negative influence on Nature began to increase. Big smoky cities with thousands of people, polluting plants and factories can be found nowadays all over the world.  Unfortunately, the idea of thinking about our planet and about the consequences of our activity appeared not so long time ago as it could be.
But do not forget: every environmental problem has causes, numerous effects, and most importantly, a solution. By understanding the causes, the effects of the problems, you can find the ways to a solution that will lead to healthier living for the planet and on the planet.
This course is inviting you to explore and analize the most serious environmental problems, their causes and possible solutions.
It is also very important that while doing the course you will practise project work and learn how to tell the world about your ideas.
When you have finished, you will be able:
  • to find information;
  • to create a brochure or several ones telling the world about the ecological problems;
  • to make a survey based on your questionnaire:

  1.  Make a questionnaire. 
  2. Conduct a poll among your friends, relatives, groupmates, etc. 
  3. Analyze the rezults and present them in written form using charts.

  • to create a team PowerPoint presentation of the result of your research and surveys. Each presentation should contain: • the description of the problems; • the causes of them; • the effects of the proccess to living organisms: - plants, - animals, - humans • things that you could do to improve the situation;
  • to present it in the class for the discussion;
  • to make your own video telling people about the practical ideas for everyday life on how to be environmentally friendly.
The course will last for 4 months. You will meet in class each Monday to discuss your work. You will have one month for making a brochure, one month for survey, one month for preparing a PowerPoint presentation and one month for making your own video.
The group will be subdivided into three teams which will be responsible for exploring environmental problems. Each team is to make a research based on the information provided in this blog and your own findings. Every team is going to work on four products, which are described above.

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